Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mommy Day!

Have I told you how much I love Tuesdays?  Tuesdays are my day off from the office and Isla does not have school either.  That means that we get to spend the entire day just the two of us!  We both look forward to these days so much and always are talking about what we are going to do on our Mommy Day.  It usually involves errands, grocery shopping, house cleaning but we always manage to slip in some fun too. 

Today we started out taking Adam to school and then to the doctor.  Isla has been having some trouble with one of her ears and has had a couple of infections in it and the doctor wanted to make sure that there was no fluid staying in the ear.  When he looked in there it still did have fluid in it so now we are trying to get the Eustachian tube open by using a cortico nasal spray to open everything up in there.  We will go back in a few weeks to make sure that it drains.  If that does not work then we may have to get tubes again.

Then we came home and while I tidied and figured out what to make for supper.  Isla was on the computer, she loves it and has lots of sites that she likes to go on.  I am amazed how she gets around not being able to read, imagine where she will get to when she can.


Then I cleaned the van  and had lunch with Ed,  but then it was time to paint!

Who is she welcoming home?  My Mom and Dad!  Finally after three long months (for me!)  they are finally home.  They were over for an early supper before Isla and I were off to music.  It was great to seem them and we are looking forward to having the entire family home for Easter and to celebrate my brother and I’s birthdays.  Should be fun!

This time with Isla has one been of the best things about my new career!  I would have missed out getting to know her in such a special way.  She is an amazing little girl who I love with all of my heart!

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