Friday, May 14, 2010

Prayer’s and Flowers


This morning Adam got to say the morning prayer.  It involves days of practicing the prayer that they are to read and then on the day you get to go to the principal’s office and speak over the intercom.  He did so well.  Ed, Isla and I all went to the school so that we could hear him.  Isn’t he cute!  His class is doing the month of May prayers and after the prayer is read they lead the school in O’Canada.  Adam has been volunteering to go and sing O’Canada every day!  I guess he gained enough confidence his first go at being an Anthem singer that he likes to do it.  I think it is great!

My plants are coming along nicely.  Here is a picture!IMG_3810

Isla’s piano recital is tomorrow.  She has been practicing, and even sang her song for her class at school today. 


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