Monday, May 17, 2010

Isla’s Recital


So this day did not go quite as planned.  In the morning Adam had golf and Isla had dance and then we were off to Isla’s piano recital.  We carefully packed her bag, got all prettified and went to pick up Grandma and Grandpa.  We got to Sylvan with lots of time to spare and horror!  We forgot her music bag at home.  Ed jumped back in the van and took off back home to get the bag.  It is about a 20-25 minute drive and we just hoped he would arrive in time!  He made it just in time, when I say just in time the last person before Isla’s group was on the stage playing her song.  Way to close for comfort, my heart was starting to pound wondering what I was going to do!  Whew is all I can say!

Adam was a total stinker and started to complain before anything even started.  By the end, 90 minutes later, I could kind of forgive him.  But he was well rewarded with snacks after the recital and then a walk to the ice cream shop for some Big Moo icecream.


For the record, I had a cinnamon bun ice cream that had raisins in it.  Really good but I need to try the Nanaimo bar one next!

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