Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lots of Cupcakes!

Isla has started out young stretching out her birthday to as many celebrations as she can!  She started on Friday with cupcakes at her dayhome where they sang Happy Birthday.  We did our family birthday day on Saturday where we sang and had cupcakes at lunch and then went out for sundaes after supper.  Sunday was the big bowling birthday party that was loads of fun for everyone!  More cupcakes and singing.  Her celebrations didn’t end there, at school on Monday she got to wear a crown all day and had another round of cupcakes and singing!  Lucky girl!  I love that she felt so special! 



Here are some pictures of the bowlers, they had a hoot!  I loved everyone’s celebrations.  Adam got three spares in a row so he was really busting out the moves! There were lots of high fiving.  We only had one ball come backwards.  But we did have a couple of balls that had to be rescued as they stopped in the middle of the alley.  Who knew that could happen?!?  The bumpers on the side made it so that for the most part they always knocked at least one pin down.

This was a great way to have a party.  I brought the cupcakes and the loot bags.  They fed them and entertained them for two hours and we all walked out with a free bowling pass so that we can come back again.

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