Can you believe that she is 5? I can’t! She is getting so big and she amazes me on a daily basis. She got a new dress from Grandma and Grandpa Rowan doesn’t she look cute.
The weather is cooler today but still so nice. The kids have been itching to get on their bikes so we went for a short ride. It took Adam a few tries to get going and he was a bit wobbly but it didn’t take long for him to remember how to ride a bike. Isla still has her training wheels on but I don’t know how much longer that will last. They have both grown so much that both of them need new bikes and helmets this spring. Man kids are expensive!
Still snowy, especially in the shady areas!
When I asked Isla what she where she wanted to go for dinner for her birthday she chose Sushi! So much fun! The birthday party is tomorrow at the bowling alley. We are all looking forward to that too. I will post more pictures.
Happy Birthday Isla!