Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dancing Star

Isla has started her new dance year, with tap and highland.  Wednesday is our dance night with tap class at 4:15 and then Highland at 5:00. 



She didn’t bother to get dressed again in between classes and just wore her boots.  Good look isn’t it!

She is doing really well in tap.  Here is a quick video from last week.  So super cute!

   Here she is at HIghland tonight.IMG00195-20101006-1704 IMG00194-20101006-1704


I was too far away for a good picture with my phone but you get the idea of how cute she is.


She even got to dance in front of the sword today!  So cool.

Adam is deep in to evaluations for hockey.  Ed is doing the evaluations so he will be spending a lot of time at the rink over the next few days.  I hope it all works out!  He is not even sure if he will get a team to coach as there are more coaches than teams.  I really hope that we get as good a team this year as we had last year!


  1. Chandra - thanks for posting the video - both so cute. Our little dance stars! I will show it to Marin tonight.

  2. Keep posting Chandra. I like to read about your family, even from far away. And I can just imagine you saying everything that you write so it's great! Miss you, Nicole
