Friday, July 30, 2010

Swim Lessons

IMG_4290So much fun.  The kids both had great instructors this time around and both of them did really well !  IMG_4291

Adam had a bad experience with swim lessons last summer and he was so scared of the deep end.  I am not sure what happened but it has been a long year of getting him to relax and have fun in the water again.  Finally the last couple of times leading up to lessons have been so much better.  Lessons were awesome, treading water and swimming 25 metres, such a relief and I am so proud of him.  He is going to stay in Swim Kids 4 but only needs to keep his ears out of the water when treading water and to get his arms out of the water while doing his front crawl and he can move on.   


Isla is doing extremely well and her teacher did not have anything that she needed to work on.  She passed with flying colours and had a fantastic time!  Our little fish!  She has now passed her Crocodile and only has Whale to do in the Preschool program. 



One of the best things about swim lessons is that they are exhausted after.  Ed dropped us off on his way to work a couple of mornings and we walked home.  One of those days we took the long way home and stopped at TIm Hortons and picked up a few groceries.  Apparently that was too much for little legs, they were both very mad at me.  It didn’t take long and I was forgiven but I am not sure I will try that again!

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