Friday, April 23, 2010

Star among us

A star, a Seton Star to be exact.  Each month children at Adam’s school are given awards when they exemplify the quality of the month.  This month was Love and our little Adam got the award. 

He had no idea about the award, Ed and I got a call a few days ago and decided to let it be a surprise for him.  Ed ironed a shirt for him to wear so that he looked extra handsome today and then we walked across the field with him to the school in the morning and he said.  “Why are you guys coming to school?”

I said “We thought we would come to your assembly this morning.”

He looked at me and said “Weird!”

I thought he might catch on but he says he didn’t.  I love that he is celebrating on his way up to the front like he scored a goal in hockey! (Not that I have ever seen his celebration.)



We are so proud of this little guy!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Adam! I'm so proud of you! What a wonderful virtue to exemplify. You really are star.
