Here is my dancing queen! The school put on a valentine's dance to raise money to put up a climbing wall. I helped out with the raffle table. Not a lot of work but it was fun to help out at the school and to meet some of the other moms. It was so great, lots of families came out and the kids had a great time. Candy grams, popcorn, raffle prizes that were really awesome and roses to give to a special someone. Adam got me a rose and then he decided that he needed to get one for his friend Jack's little sister, Marin, his Dad encouraged him to get one for his sister as well. My little Cassanova!

He was a dancing machine, and then would come and help me out at the raffle table, taking money and giving out the tickets. He was all sweaty and red in the face and happy.

So the raffle draws came at the end of the night and guess what we came home with. We just opened it this morning and the kids have loved playing with it ever since. Ed is afraid that we are going to have the next Hannah Montana on our hands, maybe he should start growing his mullet now!
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