I don't know why the picture is upside down but thought you would like to see how cute she is anyway.
We got these glowing Coke bottles for the kids, they change colours and were a big hit! It meant standing in a crowd around a single guy who had bags of the bottles in hopes of him finding your hand to pass a bottle in to before he ran out of them. We did it a number of times and got one for Adam and poor Isla was super sad. So then we had to try a bunch of times more to get one for Isla, finally success and a smiling little face was our reward.
Up on the hill at the Westerner Park they had set up this Inukshuk. It was really cool and a kind gentleman offered to take our picture. See my son trying to give me Rabbit Ears, who taught him that?
We were all getting tired to we started to head back to the van with the promise that when the fireworks started that we would stop to watch them. Isla was very concerned that we would miss them, but I promised that we would be able to see them from wherever we were. I don't thing she really believed me until after they started. Both kids didn't remember any of the fireworks that they had seen before so we got lots of this is so cool! Wow, this is awesome. This is the best thing I have ever seen. Sooooo cute!
This is the patch of grass that we found to watch the fireworks from right across the street from the Centrium. Not very picturesque or glamourous but it worked!
We have taken the kids to lots of things that we hoped that they would remember it but I really hope that they carry the spirit and excitement with them from this! What a night of great memories! I know that I will remember this always.
An update on my phone. My wonderful husband found us a good deal on replacing my phone and getting himself a Blackberry as well. They should be here early next week......... And in true Chandra fashion as we were leaving the house last night I found my phone! It was on the floor in our spare bedroom underneath of where the kids hang their coats. The coats were long enough that they hid the phone. Ed was not really impressed with me.....good thing he thinks I am cute!
Awesome! I keep telling Steve we shouldn't have left - I'm showing him this post as proof :) Beautiful memories for a beautiful family. Miss you!