My goal in coming back to highland dancing was to compete in the Red Deer Highland Games. I was so nervous! Isla danced in the morning, here we are, she is much calmer than I was.
We had lots of support from my family, my mom and dad were there and Wenda and her boys. It was really great to have everyone there, but the boys all agreed that this was way more boring than a hockey tournament!

She was so great and won a couple of medals! I absolutely love the look on her face, it says it all.

Here I am, so happy to have made it this far. And ready to get it all over with!

I didn’t embarrass myself and did all my dances without falling or forgetting my steps! I didn’t even kick my sword. I however was not a medal winner, but I was relieved to have gotten this far!

The really crappy part about all of this is that in my first of 5 dances that day I hurt my foot. It didn’t hurt to dance so I continued on, it did hurt to walk on though and by the time I got home it was so swollen and very painful. It continued to be swollen for about 6 weeks after this and bothered me off and on depending on what I was up to. I did try to go back to dance this fall but I have not been able to dance pain free since then. As Ed has pointed out, it may be time in my life to switch to yoga, ha ha!