My beautiful girl. We had our pictures taken a few weeks ago and I got this kilt ready for her to get her pictures taken. Ok, maybe my mom did, she hemmed the kilt, I just took it to the cleaners to get it pressed. And she also made the blouse, I just put the buttons on her vest. Well anyway, I think that she looks so awesome! It sure brings back memories, this kilt, dance shoes, getting hair done, nervous energy. I forgot how much I loved this!
Isla is so excited, tomorrow she gets to dance at the Festival of Trees. She is going to have quite the entourage, Grandma and Grandpa, and our friends and us will all be there to watch her. She is dancing with a Teddy Bear and gets to yell Merry Christmas. She is thrilled!
Here is my group picture! We are all having a great time dancing together and I may even be getting a bit fitter in the process.